Bayer tackles opioid misuse by seeking a second opinion from a real expert: an ex-addict

«The Painful Truth» about opioids in the U.S. is that far too many people are prescribed and become reliant on them, without realising that there may be other pain management options.

In fact, approximately one person dies every 30 minutes due to opioid prescription overdose.

That’s why Bayer and Aleve teamed up with a former opioid user to give pain sufferers some experienced advise using his own life as an example. In a three-minute long video we see a recap of the conversations several patients had with him. Because one fact is unavoidable, 10 out of 10 ex-addicts wouldn´t recommend opioids as a first option, when it comes to prescription drug abuse, experience is what makes the expert.

Aleve Speaks The Painful Truth at this critical juncture