The rainbow flag that outsmarted Russian authorities.

In 2013, the Russian government enacted a federal law criminalizing the promotion and distribution of materials in support of non-traditional sexual relationships among minors. Many critics have characterized the law as a ban on the rights and culture of the LGBT community. As the world had its eyes on Russia for the 2018 World Cup, which coincided with pride month, the Spanish LBGTI federation saw an opportunity to protest this law.
The FELGTB, Spain’s largest organization for LGBT+

rights, sent six activists from six different countries wearing their team’s football jerseys, that coincidentally formed the Rainbow flag when put next to each other. Red – Spain, Orange – Holland, Yellow – Brazil, Green – Mexico, Blue – Argentina, and Purple – Colombia. That’s how, in the light of day, in front of the authorities, Russian society, and the whole world, they toured the rainbow flag across the streets of Russia during pride month.

“Activists outsmart Russia’s police”


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