How we helped people keep their distance and keep their pleasure with giant beach towels.

2020 was a complicated year, after being locked inside for months, there were a lot of restrictions to abide by when we were finally able to leave our homes. Most importantly, we had to keep a safe social distance from each other. We wanted to find a creative solution that allowed our fans to enjoy the pleasures of summer, the most important season for ice cream, in this new reality all while staying safe. We knew people were going to enjoy the beach that summer more than ever.

But with the beaches so crowded, how could they practice social distancing? Easy, with a collection of giant, beautiful towels that measured 3×3 meters (around 9×9 feet) and enabled a safe distance of 1.5 m (around five feet) on each side. The towels were designed by three renowned artists using the iconic Magnum shape: Karan Singh (who created illustrations for the Oscars this year), Quentin Monge, and David Vanadia.

“It’s not only practical, it’s a work of art”


· Sold out in 24 hours
· +9.000 towels shipped worldwide

· €450.000 towel sales