How we turned a natural disaster into a symbol of hope.

Plátano De Canarias is the biggest banana producer in Europe. Most of the continent consumes the fruit that is grown in the Canary Islands. Unfortunately, on September 19th, 2021, Cumbre Vieja Volcano erupted in La Palma, one of the main producers of this fruit. The whole world was shocked by the image of our hometown covered in ashes.
As a brand not only affected by the catastrophe but with a deep feeling of belonging to the place we come from, we need to give our town a positive message towards the future. We will reborn from the ashes is a campaign that turns the main image of the catastrophe into a symbol of hope. The first animated ad was made from real ashes from a real volcano.

“Plátano de Canarias campaign gets everyone excited”

· 42M impressions
· The most successful campaign for the brand