In the middle of the debate around vaccines, AXE invited guys to get vaxxed, then “axed”.

When vaccination campaigns started in the US, the debate broke out — leaving a lot of guys wondering what to do. But while doubts grew bigger, we found out that there was an unorthodox reason to get vaxxed. People were using the hashtag #vaccinated on their dating apps’ profiles, something that increased their chances to get a match by 45%.

But to get close, guys also needed to smell great. So we launched “Get vaccinated, then Axeinated” with a PSA that invited guys to get their vaccines and their Axeination kits. Of course, we also installed an Axeination Center next to a vaccination center in Atlanta, the city with the smallest percentage of vaccinated young people in the US.

“A Little Help to Spark Post-Vax Attraction”


· 4.4M Earned media
· 456 Million Impressions

· Kits Sold Out 2x
· +10k Axeinated Armpits