A Chorus of ‘Big Mouth Billy Basses’ Reveals Not All the Fish You Consume is that good.

In «Take The Leap,» a crew of top-secret fishy agents is infiltrating households to unveil a jaw-dropping secret: your everyday fish might not be the swashbuckling sea hero you thought. It could be more of a couch potato than a fish in the open waters. To make this revelation pop like a catfish in a pond, they’ve recruited none other than «Billy Bass» – that singing sensation fish that’s already got a crib in your living room.

«Take The Leap» takes viewers on a musical journey featuring a charming ensemble of Billy Bass fish on the wall and their companions, harmonizing to underscore the importance of choosing fish that roam freely. This campaign is an eye-opener for those who unknowingly consume farm-raised fish, raising awareness that a substantial portion of our fish is not wild-caught.

LEAP and LOLA MullenLowe raises awareness on the unknowing consumption of farm-raised fish